
We have 2 full time Developers who work on the server when they have time. We continue to bring the very best roleplay experience and compete with some of the top DAYZ RP Servers. We strive to not be the best but have the very REAL ISLM to the game! We create places on maps, mods, retexture with permission from old owners and much more! If you consider donating please make sure you include your discord name and Steam ID# so we know who to thank as keeping the lights and servers running is a big help for all of us!
Making things better everyday!
Bushcraft Roleplay has been around since 2019
We continue to keep the players engaged in real survival like gameplay. With the most advanced mods and maps we bring the best lore/story to the immersive survival like challenge and continue to make the player decide how they would survive in a open world game. You create your own life and character and change it up from time to time!